More than 200 Republicans who questioned or denied the 2020 election results have won in the midterms so far. The Associated Press has not yet called the race. que, mediante informe n° d000081-2022-ceplan-dnse, la dirección nacional de seguimiento y evaluación señala la necesidad de prorrogar los plazos de las secciones 3.6 y 4.8 de la mencionada guía, sobre la elaboración, aprobación y publicación en los portales de transparencia estándar de los reportes de seguimiento e informes de evaluación del plan … /XObject <>>> 1 0 obj Interested candidates must pickup one Nomination Packet from the City Clerk's Office by making an appointment within the Nomination Period. The packet consists of one Nomination Petition to circulate and forms to complete and file before the end of the period. Nov. 8, 2022, Arizona has multiple races featuring Republicans who have questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 election. Colorado’s Third District is leaning toward Lauren Boebert, an ardent supporter of Donald Trump, according to our estimates. Terms of council office are for four (4) years and the mayor serves a term of two (2) years. — Alicia Parlapiano VIDEO TUTORIAL Infórmate cómo manejar el aplicativo CEPLAN. ›. visit any Orange County vote center to vote in person, vote by mail or drop off your ballot at a secured ballot drop box. — Maggie Astor Four counties — all of which supported Trump in 2020 — voted for Shapiro but chose Dr. Oz, the Republican, for the Senate. All vote centers will be open November 5 through November 8. 7 0 obj The Clerk of the Council serves as the elections official and is responsible for all candidate filings, the issuance and acceptance of nomination papers, City measures, and publication of all legal notices as well as campaign and conflict of interest filings required by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). Nov. 8, 2022, The Georgia Senate race, which could go to a Dec. 6 runoff, could determine which party controls the chamber. Mediante Resolución de Presidencia de Consejo Directivo N°00031-2022/CEPLAN/PCD del 26 de abril de 2022, se prorroga el plazo para el registro y aprobación del Plan Operativo Institucional (POI) Multianual 2023-2025 por parte de los Titulares de las entidades de los tres niveles de gobierno. A voter must be at least 18 years of age on Election Day. ahorrándoles el tiempo que les tomaría buscar por separado en cada página web de las Instituciones Públicas. State legislature | About the elections process. Mandela Barnes, delivering a critical victory for Republicans. La Dirección General de Medicamentos, Insumos y Drogas (Digemid) del... Ver Publicación Completa, Feliz Aniversario SISMED Comunicado 021-2022/CEPLAN Comunicado Plazo para el seguimiento mensual del POI 1 de diciembre de 2022 - 9:08 a. m. El Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico (Ceplan), en concordancia con lo establecido en la Resolución de Presidencia de Consejo Directivo N° 00084-2022/CEPLAN/PCD, informa a las entidades que conforman el Sinaplan lo siguiente: Get live estimates for Senate and House control with our real-time election forecast, which analyzes the results so far to show who is on track to win. [5] Here’s what the vote count could look like this year. In North Carolina’s Senate race, Representative Ted Budd, a Trump-endorsed Republican, is very likely to win, according to our estimates. ›. Nov. 8, 2022, Democrat Tim Ryan leads Republican J.D. Reporting by Grace Ashford, Maggie Astor, Michael C. Bender, Sarah Borell, Sarah Cahalan, Emily Cochrane, Nick Corasaniti, Jill Cowan, Catie Edmondson, Reid J. Epstein, Nicholas Fandos, Lalena Fisher, Trip Gabriel, Katie Glueck, J. David Goodman, Blake Hounshell, Shawn Hubler, Annie Karni, Maya King, Stephanie Lai, Lisa Lerer, Jonathan Martin, Patricia Mazzei, Alyce McFadden, Jennifer Medina, Azi Paybarah, Mitch Smith, Tracey Tully, Jazmine Ulloa, Neil Vigdor and Jonathan Weisman; production by Andy Chen, Amanda Cordero, Alex Garces, Chris Kahley, Laura Kaltman, Andrew Rodriguez and Jessica White; editing by Wilson Andrews, Kenan Davis, William P. Davis, Kennedy Elliott, Amy Hughes, Ben Koski, Allison McCartney and Karen Workman. Funcionarios regionales reciben capacitación para la elaboración del PDRC 24 julio, 2020, Organismos Internacionales, Estadísticas y Estudios Prospectivos, Información para el planeamiento a nivel departamental, provincial y distrital, Observatorio de tendencias, riesgos y oportunidades, Mapa de interrelación de oportunidades y megatendencias, Mapa de interrelación de riesgos y megatendencias, Mapa de interrelación de tendencias y megatendencias. El Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico (Ceplan), en concordancia con lo establecido en la Resolución de Presidencia de Consejo Directivo N° 00084-2022/CEPLAN/PCD, informa a las entidades que conforman el Sinaplan lo siguiente: En el siguiente enlace puede descargar la Resolución de Presidencia de Consejo Directivo N° 00084-2022/CEPLAN/PCD.Â, Política de privacidad para el manejo de datos en, Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico, Vance in the returns, but almost all of the results are early votes, which we expect to disproportionately favor Democrats. In Wisconsin, Senator Ron Johnson, a Republican, is up for re-election against Lt. Gov. — Maggie Astor Nov. 9, 2022, Majority-Hispanic counties in Florida voted to reelect Gov. — Alicia Parlapiano If Republicans win all of the races where they are currently leading by two points or more, they’ll take control of the House. We’re tracking the remaining uncalled House races, and the most recently called races, as states continue to count the remaining votes. /G3 gs Republicans have flipped four House seats in New York, two districts on Long Island and two in the Hudson Valley. — Maggie Astor — Lazaro Gamio Puede comunicarse con nosotros a través nuestras redes sociales o del correo: Democrats also won the Governor’s office, State Senate, and appear poised to take the State Assembly, and voters affirmed abortion rights in the state. Scribd es red social de lectura y publicación más importante del mundo. In Colorado, a measure to decriminalize certain psychedelics is close but yet to be decided. Maura Healey, the newly elected Democratic governor of Massachusetts is the first openly lesbian woman to be elected governor in the United States. Convocatoria CEPLAN para Lima CAS N° 021: SECRETARIO/A EJECUTIVO/A CONVOCATORIA CONCLUIDA. — Lauren Leatherby [2], On October 10, 2015, California Governor Jerry Brown (D) signed into law Assembly Bill No. Jocelyn Benson, the Democratic secretary of state who has confronted repeated harassment from far-right election deniers, won re-election to her post in Michigan. endobj ›, Republicans formally captured 218 House seats, a delayed yet consequential finish to the 2022 midterm elections. Comunicado N° 006-DNFD/2022 de 07 de marzo de 2022, Nuevo Formulario y Guía de Usuario para la Solicitud de Registro Sanitario de Producto Farmacéutico. ���}\� �H~��Ck���z��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv��ڻbum]�:��؝[WlN���'V���j�յv���}T!��b�u�9��� ����%���a���ZT)���a� �N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N���N��jЧ�7���e;�XK������w�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�vw�.Z�/9p� |��'�t�wg}���� W�l2}��M�6�З[/�?��J�>9�?������9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����9�����MZ���� P� ��w� ��~G��x�=d�I� ����ֆ�����.��]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j��5wD���v�]�;F�蝣WtNѫ�'h���j������E��5���S���� ›, Brandon Williams, Republican, wins U.S. House seat to represent New York’s 22nd Congressional District. California allows same-day voter registration. Here’s the state of the closest races: Las políticas de Estado definen lineamientos generales que orientan el accionar del Estado en el largo plazo a fin de lograr el bienestar de las personas y el desarrollo sostenible del país. Ya no puede postular a este proceso. California does not require voters to present photo identification. The Clerk of the Council serves as the elections official and is responsible for all candidate filings, the issuance and acceptance of nomination papers, City measures, and publication of all legal notices as well as campaign and conflict of interest filings required by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC).. There is also an unexpectedly competitive Senate race in Utah between Senator Mike Lee, a Republican, and Evan McMullin, an independent. But so far, voters are rejecting an effort to deny abortion rights. La Dirección General de Medicamentos Insumos y Drogas a través de la Dirección de Dispositivos Médicos y... Ver Publicación Completa, COMUNICADO Nº 026–2022 ›, Brian Kemp, the Republican governor of Georgia, defeated his Democratic challenger, Stacey Abrams, for a second time. Republicans need to flip only one seat to gain control of the Senate, while Democrats need to keep 50 seats to maintain control. <img align="left" src="/abc/www/multimedia/motor/2022/12/21/peugeot.jpg . Nacionales Tributación informa sobre medidas tras quejas contra sistema Marangatú 10 de enero de 2023 - 19:11 La Subsecretaría de Estado Tributación (SET) emitió una resolución por la que se . Nov. 9, 2022, More than 210 Republicans who questioned the 2020 election have won seats in the U.S. House and Senate and in state races for governor, secretary of state and attorney general, according to results as of 12 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday. Republicans would need just two tossup seats beyond what they are favored to win. He’s outperforming Biden across the state and is currently up 8 points in counties that were the closest in 2020. — NYT Graphics Read more › Organización de CEPLAN. Candidates for City Council for the mayor, ward 2, ward 4, and ward 6 seats, Proposed Measure W (Business Tax Equity and Flexible Tax Holiday), read the official Notice of Candidates and Proposed Ballot Measures on our news feed, file a Statement of Organization (Form 410), Candidate Handbook And Resource Guide 2022, Calling Election  Resolution No. que, la política institucional del ceplan, aprobada por el consejo directivo del ceplan en su ducentésima cuadragésima tercera (243°) sesión ordinaria, en su modalidad virtual, realizada el viernes 25 de febrero de 2022, ha priorizado los objetivos y lineamientos que guiaran a la entidad en su calidad de rector del sistema nacional de … In Florida’s closely watched governor’s race, Gov. ›, Raphael Warnock, Democrat, advances to a runoff election for the U.S. Senate seat in Georgia. <>>> Nov. 9, 2022, Maryland and Missouri voted to legalize recreational marijuana for people 21 and older, while voters in Arkansas, North Dakota and South Dakota rejected similar measures. Ballots postmarked by Election Day have a week to arrive. ›, Abigail Spanberger, Democrat, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent Virginia’s Seventh Congressional District. Most of the vote reporting so far is early, and Democrats are expected to win those votes by a large margin. Republicans have won in four of five New York tossup seats, and the Republican candidate is ahead in the fifth. Políticas de Estado. AL COLEGIO QUIMICO FARMACEUTICO DEL PERU(CQFP) Y PUBLICO EN GENERAL To establish a Committee, you will need to: 1) file a Statement of Organization (Form 410) with the Secretary of State, and 2) setup an electronic filing account by contacting the City Clerk's Office by email at It’s giving Yesli Vega, the Republican candidate, an edge over incumbent Abigail Spanberger, though this could be temporary. "1�� ? Nov. 8, 2022, The early vote in Arizona has been strong for Democrat Mark Kelly, but we expect a good portion of the in-person and late-counted mail vote to favor Blake Masters. Es el organismo técnico especializado que ejerce la función de órgano rector, orientador y de coordinación del Sistema Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico; orientado al desarrollo de la planificación estratégica como instrumento técnico de gobierno y gestión para el desarrollo armónico y sostenido del país y el fortalecimiento de la gobernabilidad democrática en el marco del Estado constitucional de derecho. Polls are now closed in Hawaii. Estos objetivos se deben reflejar en resultados; Que, la Guía para el Planeamiento Institucional, dispone en su numeral 4.5 que los sistemas administrativos de Planeamiento Estratégico, de Programación Multianual y Gestión de Inversiones, de Presupuesto Público y de Abastecimiento, operan bajo un enfoque de articulación de Sistemas Administrativos Transversales (SAT); Que, conforme consta en el Acta de la Ducentésima Cuadragésima Sexta (246°) Sesión Ordinaria del Consejo Directivo, en su modalidad virtual, realizada el viernes 25 de marzo de 2022, aprobó el Plan Estratégico Institucional (PEI) del CEPLAN por el periodo 2022-2026; [Lee también: Formalizan elaboración de la Política Nacional Multisectorial de Derechos Humanos [RM N° 0063-2022-JUS]. U.S. Congress | Montana voters rejected a proposal that would have required medical interventions to save those that the state defines as “born alive” infants. Comunicado N° 11-2022/DNFD Actividades y códigos disponibles en el sistema Panamaemprende para avisos de operación de establecimientos farmacéuticos. %���� Oscar Benavides, Cercado de Lima, DIGEMID 2021. Households with a computer, percent, 2017-2021. Abortion rights were put to the test in the midterm elections. Taking control of the governorship and both legislative chambers in these states could ease Democrats’ ability to pass legislation on an array of issues. Nov. 8, 2022, Kentucky, a solidly red state, reelected Rand Paul to the Senate. We’re getting results from five states where voters are deciding whether to legalize marijuana. 9º Aos cargos instituídos pelo artigo 2º desta Lei Complementar, aplicam-se as disposições remuneratórias relativas a cargos de provimento em comissão dispostas no artigo 86, da Lei Complementar nº 1.065, de 23 de setembro de 2022. Lauren Boebert, incumbent in Colorado’s 3rd district, is in an unexpectedly close race in what was considered a safe Republican district. Computer and Internet Use. 3 0 obj The Times estimates the share of votes reported and the number of remaining votes, based on historic turnout data and reporting from results providers. ›, Senator Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada won a second term, beating Adam Laxalt, a Trump acolyte, and dealing a blow to Republicans. Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican, is facing a strong challenge from the Trump-endorsed Kelly Tshibaka. Formalizan la aprobación del Plan Estratégico Institucional (PEI) 2022-2026 del Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico – CEPLAN, RESOLUCIÓN DE PRESIDENCIA DECONSEJO DIRECTIVON° 00025-2022/CEPLAN/PCD. Most polls have closed in Alaska, but Alaska doesn’t release results until after its last polls close at 1 a.m. Eastern. Nov. 8, 2022, It’s still early, but Fetterman is running ahead of Biden in five Pennsylvania counties that have reported nearly all of their votes. The City Council is made up of a Mayor and six . Vance defeated Rep. Tim Ryan after a competitive campaign for Ohio’s open Senate seat. Nov. 9, 2022, Voters in three states enshrined lasting protections for abortion rights in their state Constitutions. ›. 2022-05-04. . In the counties where most of the vote is in, Senator Ron Johnson is running ahead of Trump. Que, mediante Oficio N° D000162-2022-PCM-OGPP e Informe N° Técnico N° D000244-2019-CEPLAN/DNCPPEI, la Oficina General de Planeamiento y Presupuesto de la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros informa que, de la revisión del Plan Estratégico Institucional por el periodo 2022-2026, ha verificado y validado la consistencia y coherencia de la misma con las políticas y planes del Sector, recomendado su aprobación; Que, conforme consta en el Acta N° 01-2022-CEPLAN/CPE de la Comisión de Planeamiento Estratégico del Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico – CEPLAN realizada en sesión virtual, ha validado y aprobado el Plan Estratégico Institucional por el periodo 2022-2026; Que, con Informe Técnico N° D000053-2022-CEPLAN/DNCPPEI, la Dirección Nacional de Coordinación y Planeamiento Estratégico del CEPLAN ha validado el Plan Estratégico Institucional por el periodo 2022-2026, concluyendo que cumple con lo establecido en la Guía para el Planeamiento Institucional; Con el visado del Director Ejecutivo (e), del Jefe de la Oficina de Planeamiento y Presupuesto y de la Jefa de la Oficina de Asesoría Jurídica del Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico – CEPLAN; De conformidad con la Ley N° 29158, Ley Orgánica del Poder Ejecutivo; el Decreto Legislativo N° 1088, Ley del Sistema Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico y del Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico – CEPLAN; el Decreto Supremo N° 001-2009-JUS, que aprueba el Reglamento que establece disposiciones relativas a la publicidad, publicación de Proyectos Normativos y difusión de Normas Legales de Carácter General, la Directiva N° 001-2017-CEPLAN/PCD, aprobada mediante Resolución de Presidencia de Consejo Directivo N° 026-2017/CEPLAN/PCD y modificada por la Resolución de Presidencia de Consejo Directivo N° 00009-2021/CEPLAN/PCD; la Guía para el Planeamiento Institucional, aprobada mediante Resolución de Presidencia de Consejo Directivo N° 033-2017/CEPLAN/PCD y sus modificatorias, y en uso de las facultades establecidas en el Reglamento de Organización y Funciones del Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico – CEPLAN, aprobado mediante Decreto Supremo N° 046-2009-PCM; Artículo 1°.- Formalizar la aprobación del Plan Estratégico Institucional (PEI) 2022-2026 del Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico – CEPLAN, que como anexo forma parte de la presente Resolución. The Associated Press also provides estimates for the share of votes reported, which are shown for races for which The Times does not publish its own estimates. Conditional voter registration is available beginning 14 days before an election through Election Day. The outcomes of the races in these three states will decide the balance of power in the Senate. Here’s who won › Anexos de la convocatoria: Comparte en: . Susan Wild, Democrat, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent Pennsylvania’s Seventh Congressional District. In Virginia, the performances of Democratic incumbents in the 2nd and 7th districts may offer early indications of how the party will fare in House races overall. Information . 2.    La atención a las entidades continuará a través de medios virtuales; para lo cual los Especialistas estarán atentos a su comunicación por correo electrónico, celular y/o WhatsApp. Nov. 9, 2022, Cortez Masto is behind in Nevada at the moment, but there are a lot of votes left in Clark and Washoe, counties home to the state's largest cities. Chris Pappas, Democrat, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent New Hampshire’s First Congressional District. While Tuesday’s election represented a strong performance by a first-term president’s party, the individual showings of Senate candidates varied widely. Gabe Vasquez, Democrat, wins U.S. House seat to represent New Mexico’s Second Congressional District. § 1º Não poderá o servidor receber, cumulativa e simultaneamente, a remuneração tratada neste artigo com valor pago a título de diferença de . 8 0 obj Nov. 8, 2022, Gov. DeSantis outperformed Trump in Florida in every county that has nearly finished counting votes. El presente comunicado se emite en aplicación a lo señalado en la Primera Disposición Complementaria Modificatoria del Decreto Supremo N° 009-2022-SA, mediante la cual se modifica el artículo 28 del Decreto Supremo N° 016-2011-SA. The City Council is made up of a Mayor and six Councilmembers, for a total of seven members. La Dirección General de Medicamentos, Insumos y Drogas comunica que el día viernes 14 de octubre desde... Ver Publicación Completa, COMUNICADO N° 019-2022-DIGEMID — Maggie Astor 78.5%. A " yes " vote supported amending the Charter to include term limits, adjusted budget requirements, and a change of language within the Charter. — Albert Sun ›, Don Bacon, Republican, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent Nebraska’s Second Congressional District. Follow our live analysis and the latest updates. 1461, also known as the New Motor Voter Act. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, a Democrat, won a tough re-election race against her Republican rival, Tudor Dixon.
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